Internet Society

Puerto Rico Chapter

Internet for All

Próximo Evento

Imagen de la invitacion al evento ondas de radio a llevarse a cabo el 26 de marzo de 2025 por zoom

Who are we

We are a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 2001 to foster the Internet's use, evolution, and open development for the benefit of all people in Puerto Rico and throughout the World.  Our members are comprised of energetic, enthusiastic, and committed.

The formation of the Internet individuals from the public Society of Puerto Rico (ISOC-PR) allows us to represent the island in international forums, which set forth the rules of the Internet world. Observing the Internet as a medium that has maintained sustained growth in Puerto Rico, we must present a voice globally to the active Internet international community.

ISOC-PR is committed to providing reliable, relevant, and current information about the Internet on a local, regional, and global level.

Programa de Banda Ancha Puerto Rico: 

Plan de Acción 5 Años 

"Ensure all Puerto Ricans, regardless of their background or location, have

access to the resources and opportunities necessary to thrive in the digital

world and fully participate in modern society."

The Program will advance this vision through four key pillars:

1) Connectivity to resilient infrastructure,

2) Quality and speed for demanding use,

3) Accessibility at an affordable price, and

4) Knowledge of technology and digital tools.

PRBB - 5YR Action Plan - 08-12-2023.pdf